Pohjoisen Lehmän Huuto

Northern MOO is a art consept by Jaana Moo Viitamäki. Art forms from aquarelles to textiles, encausticart, oilpaintings, light/video visuals to sounds and burlesque, DJworks, sculptures and other stuff. Northernmoolandia at Jokioinen has an artist workspace.

Northern MOO, Pohjoisen Lehmän Huuto, on rovaniemeläissyntyisen muotoilija, kuvantekijä Jaana Moo Viitamäen luoma taidekonsepti. Ilmaisumuotoina Northernmoo sisältää akvarelleja, tekstiiliä, enkaustiikkaa, öljyväriteoksia, valoa ja ääntä, DJ töitä, veistoksia ja kaikkea muutakin, kun mahdollisuuksia elämä tuo eteen. Northernmoolandia sijaitsee Jokioisilla, jossa on mm. taiteen tekemisen tila.

- History- Historiaa   -

NorthernMOO started year 2014. It was one day in Veddö, Sverige. Lazy Saturday and I was thinking what to do, and it hit me... what if there on the roof of that old building is a cow ( There was some cows on pasture that time) . And so I started to paint cows, in different forms and techniqus. After painting I started to use lights and recycled materials, made some sculptures, then I acted as burlesquedancer and DJ and 2016 January I decided to start MicroNation called NorthernMOOlandia- It is a summary of MOOism. Northernmoolandia is situated at Jokioinen since 2023.

NorthernMOO sai alkunsa eräänä laiskana lauantaina Ruotsissa Väddön saarella vuonna 2014. Istuskelin keinussa ja ihmettelin elämää. Matkustin tuolloin viikottain Ruotsiin ja takaisin Suomeen. Väddön maaseutupaikan vieressä oli lehmien laidun. Katselin heitä ja ajattelin, että josko yksi MOO kulkisi vaikka tuolla punamultatalon katolla. Siitä se sitten lähti. Lehmät kun ovatkin vallan mahtava ilmaisumuoto, heidän kauttaa voi kertoa mitä vain, sopivatkin kivasti niin avaruuteen, kuin postimerkkeihin tai öljyvärimaalauksiin. Burleskihahmoni Daisy DJaMOOur on myös lehmävaikutteinen. Vuonna 2016 innoistuin perustamaan mikrovaltion, mielikuvitusmaailman. Tämä Northernmoolandia sijaitsee nyt Jokioisilla vuodesta 2023 :D

Business ID 2626047-6, Northern MOO.


"Moodar Märehtöniemi and Joy of life", Galleri Pehkonen, Tietotajlo Jokioinen 2.6-30.6.2025, Näyttelyssäni esittelen teille MOOdarin töineen. Värikylläistä maailmaa ja jotain MOOta. May I introduce to you MOOdar Märehtöniemi. Hope you will enjoy the show. Next suummer 2025 June at Tietotalo Jokioinen "

Konstrundan 2024, Northernmoolandia, Emupunkuja 9, Jokioinen 7-8.9.2024 "During one weekend in September, professional artists, artisans and designers open the doors of their studios and workshops to the public. The central goal is to create meetings between the creative actors and the visitors. Konstrunda has been organized annually since 2008 and attracts approximately 400 participants and 30,000 visitors each year."

Teijon Kuttuurimeijeri group exhibition, August 2024, Kaarnalaiva 2krs, Mathildedal, Salo

"Makasiinin Luona" exhibition, July 2024, Elonkierto, Jokioinen.

Establishment of Northernmoolandia, August 2023, Jokioinen, Finland

Paikoituksia, Groupexhibition 28.6- 30.7 at Teijon Kulttuurimeijeri, Teijo, Perniö, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Just one hour and 17 minutes-afternoon club", 30.9.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Just one hour and 17 minutes-afternoon club", 26.8.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Just one hour and 17 minutes-afternoon club", 3.6.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Summer is right here -afternoon club", 22.4.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "HamMOOnd & Finnhits -afternoon club", 11.2.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "HamMOOnd & Finnhits -afternoon club", 7.1.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

MOOstock Art and music 24.7.2022, Helsinki, Finland

MOOrphosis, MOOrfoosi exhibition 11.6- 15.7.2022 at Teijon Kulttuurimeijeri, Teijo, Perniö, Finland

Exhibition "Reflections of Gratitude" at Roihuvuoren RIO, December 27-31. 2021, Helsinki , Finland.

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at at Roihuvuoren RIO, 4.12.2021, Roihuvuori, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at Teijon Kulttuurimeijeri, 27.11.2021, Teijo, Perniö, Finland

MOOpaintings at ARTSUA - happening, one part of Meritalo-Taidetalo -group exhibition, 25.11.-6.12.2021 Merihaka, Helsinki Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at 7.8.2021 - Magito 30 years, Suvilahti, Helsinki, Finland

MOOstock goes MOOviestoc, August 2021 - POSTPONED due corona

POP UP exhibition The Greatest Gifts MOObil- journey to cowcamp 14-17.6.2021 ,Ilomantsi

Exhibition The Greatest Gifts at Roihuvuoren RIO, 27.2-26.3.2021  POSTPONED due lockdow, Helsinki  

"Out of this world III", MOOperformance premiere for Daisy DJ'aMOOur At planet Suvilahti some MOOs and music 20.8.2019, Helsinki

Moostock Art and Music 2020 Open Laavu, Olkkala, June 2020 , Vihti, Finland

"When ever you see a flying cow" -pop-up exhibition
at Spirit and Knowledge fair Hengen ja Tiedon messut 12-13.10.2019 SYK, Helsinki

MOOstock art and music fair 2020, Open Laavu, Olkkala, Vihti

"Out of this world II", MOOperformance, At planet Suvilahti some MOOs and lights 21.9.2019, Helsinki

"AugmentedMOOlity" Ravintola Pikku-Vallila, Finland 7.2-7.3.2019, Helsinki

"Out of this world" Planet Suvilahti, Helsinki, Finland,August 201, Helsinki

"MOOltiverse for Fun and Love" Arlan Sauna, From 1 NOvember–30 November 2017,Helsinki

"Alue 232" Collective exhibition at Laterna Magica Helsinki Finland From 10 October– 28 October 2017. Aquarels, light and metal sculpture, Helsinki

"Peek" collective exhibition at STROMFORS IRON MILL, Artco,Strömfors, Loviisa, Finland From 5 June–18 June 2017.Aquarels

*Ripples of colour, Collective exhibition. ArtcoAquarelles. Exhibition at Jorvin sairaala, Espoo, Finland. 2016. Aquarelles

*The State of Liberty, Collective exhibition. Aquarels, Galleria 4-Kuus, Helsinki, Finland. 2016.Aquarelles

*Get Power from light, Collective exhibition, Artco. Kustaankartanon vanhustenkeskus, Helsinki, Finland. 2015. Aquarelles

*Some MOOs on the Pasture, Aquarels , Vire-Koti Lehtisaari, Helsinki, Finland . 2015.Aquarels

*Colourfull story 2, Collective exhibition Rööperin taidesalonki, Helsinki, Finland . 2014. Aquarelles

*Fantasiaa mielessa, mielen fantasiaa."fantacy in mind, minds fantacy", . Galleria Ajatuksenpoikanen , Kapyla, Helsinki June 2007. Paintings and computergraphics

*Stage visuals at Under the Northern Star 2006.VDMX/quartz composer , Nosturi, Helsinki, Finland

*Working-group "Vaadin", media-art, 2003-2009

*Tasta tahan"From here to here", Helsinki University of Technology,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Espoo, Finland 26.11. - 14.11.2001.Oils.

*Kaksi Koiraa "Two Dogs", University of Lapland, Faculty of Arts, Rovaniemi, Finland 7 .11. - 30.11. 2001. Oils.

*Paittain "End-wise", Residential suburb Bar, Kapygrilli, Kapyla, Helsinki, Finland 1.10 - 28.10.2001. Oils

*Simpukka "Mussel", The Provincial Library Of Lapland. Rovaniemi, Finland 2.7 - 14.7 2001. Oils

*Silency, designcompetition, A -Serie, shared first prize. Kalix municipalitys and Rovaregions common project. "To The European Market with Treeproducts from North"2001.
*Finnish trafficsafe assosiaton, Northern Finland area. Memorial for trafificvictims. 1993. Candle Light and metal sculpture



*NorthernMOO dream starts 2014-
*Head of educational unit, Textile And Fashion, Helsinki Vocational College 2018-
*Head of educational unit, Audiovisual communication, Helsinki Vocational College 2012-2018
*New Media lecturer , Heltech , AV-media Vocational education and training 2008-2012
*Multimedia lecturer , Heltech , AV-media Vocational education and training 2002-2008
*Preparatory initial vocational education for a skills examination - multimediateacher, Heltech, evening classes 2005-2008
*Freelance photographing and illustration 2001-->> (Pakanaverkko "Pagan Net" , Teachers magazine Finland, SMRFHelsinki, Suomen Parapsykologinen Tutkimusseura ry The Finnish Parapsychological Association etc) 2010 (Illustration) Finland
*Elearning project coordinator . Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Industrial Engineering and Management ( elearning )2001 -2002
*Lecturer(elearning and software), Continuing Education Centre , University of Lapland 2000 -2001
*Graphic designer, Tietohiekka Ky,Rovaniemi, Finland 1999-2001
*Developer. The Crafts Association of Lapland, 1997.
*Hard materials-teacher, childrens craftsschool,The Crafts Association of Lapland, 1995


* Specialist Qualification in Management, 2016--2017
*Certificate in educational administration, The Finnish National Agency for Education. 2013
*Aalto University School of Economics, Small Business Center Learn to teach entrepreneurship (6 ECTS)

*Nayttomestaritutkinto , Helia School of the Vocational Teacher Education 2006
*Postgraduate studies 2002-2007 Aalto university . Usability and contents production. Interest area experimental learning material for web
*Pedagogical studies, Helia School of the Vocational Teacher Education 2003 - 2004
*Master of Education, University of Lapland , 2001.Thesis: About producing learningmaterial to the web. (Following workmodels of contextual design, learningmaterial was
streaming video material (Quick Time) about lecture)
*Higher vocational diploma (artenomi)in Industrial design,Rovaniemi Institute of art and design, 1994 (at present Faculty of Art and Design (industrial design)in University of Lapland)
*Graduate Rovaniemi, Upper secondary school, Lyseonpuisto, Rovaniemi,1990.


*Kuhankoskken Kilta, Artist Assosiation at Subarea of SouthwesternHäme region, 2024-

*Äänellä itkijät ry, Lament/Keening/Dringe organization in Finland, 2021-

*Expert organization for designers in Finland, Ornamo 2021-

*The Finnish Dyers’ Guild, Värjärikilta ry 2020-

*Finnish LightArt assosiation, member 2016-


*Working life committee member, Textile and Fashion field, Initial vocational and further vocational and specialist vocational qualifications,
The Finnish National Agency for Education, 2021-2023, 2024-
*Executive committee member, Kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen esimiehet KEA ry,
National unit for managers in OAJ The Trade Union of Education in Finland, 2017-2020  (board memeber, secretary)
*Executive committee member, Helsingin ammatilliset opettajat ry, Helsinki citys vocational teachers trade union, 2006-2015 (communications officer, board memeber, secretary)
*Renewal workgroup, National curriculum of General upper secondary education, field of culture/audiovisual. 2008 - 2009.
*Executive committee member, Finnish parapsychologhy assosiation, 2009
*Executive Board member, secretary , Vanhankaupungin Seudun Vihreat ry.2001 -2003
*Motherhood 1998 -
*Executive Board member, environmental and equality issues, Student union , University of Lapland 1995-2001, vice-chairwoman 1999.
*Student Parlament member, representative of educationstudents (Lastu ry). Student union, University of Lapland 1995-2001.
*Union for Students of Education Lastu ry, Executive Board member, educational issues. 1996-2001.
*Student selecting committee in University of Lapland 1996. *Development co-operation Commitee (Kenkku) Finnish Student Union (SYL).1997.
*Womanstudies Management Group in University of Lapland. 1997-2001
*Commitee: Developing Universitypedagogics in University of Lapland. 1995.
*Catering service standing committee in University of Lapland. 1997 - 2000



Pohjoisen Lehmän Huuto

Northern MOO is a art consept by Jaana Moo Viitamäki. Art forms from aquarelles to textiles, encausticart, oilpaintings, light/video visuals to sounds and burlesque, DJworks, sculptures and other stuff. Northernmoolandia at Jokioinen has an artist workspace.

Northern MOO, Pohjoisen Lehmän Huuto, on rovaniemeläissyntyisen muotoilija, kuvantekijä Jaana Moo Viitamäen luoma taidekonsepti. Ilmaisumuotoina Northernmoo sisältää akvarelleja, tekstiiliä, enkaustiikkaa, öljyväriteoksia, valoa ja ääntä, DJ töitä, veistoksia ja kaikkea muutakin, kun mahdollisuuksia elämä tuo eteen. Northernmoolandia sijaitsee Jokioisilla, jossa on mm. taiteen tekemisen tila.

- History- Historiaa   -

NorthernMOO started year 2014. It was one day in Veddö, Sverige. Lazy Saturday and I was thinking what to do, and it hit me... what if there on the roof of that old building is a cow ( There was some cows on pasture that time) . And so I started to paint cows, in different forms and techniqus. After painting I started to use lights and recycled materials, made some sculptures, then I acted as burlesquedancer and DJ and 2016 January I decided to start MicroNation called NorthernMOOlandia- It is a summary of MOOism. Northernmoolandia is situated at Jokioinen since 2023.

NorthernMOO sai alkunsa eräänä laiskana lauantaina Ruotsissa Väddön saarella vuonna 2014. Istuskelin keinussa ja ihmettelin elämää. Matkustin tuolloin viikottain Ruotsiin ja takaisin Suomeen. Väddön maaseutupaikan vieressä oli lehmien laidun. Katselin heitä ja ajattelin, että josko yksi MOO kulkisi vaikka tuolla punamultatalon katolla. Siitä se sitten lähti. Lehmät kun ovatkin vallan mahtava ilmaisumuoto, heidän kauttaa voi kertoa mitä vain, sopivatkin kivasti niin avaruuteen, kuin postimerkkeihin tai öljyvärimaalauksiin. Burleskihahmoni Daisy DJaMOOur on myös lehmävaikutteinen. Vuonna 2016 innoistuin perustamaan mikrovaltion, mielikuvitusmaailman. Tämä Northernmoolandia sijaitsee nyt Jokioisilla vuodesta 2023 :D

Business ID 2626047-6, Northern MOO.


Konstrundan 2024, Northernmoolandia, Emupunkuja 9, Jokioinen 7-8.9.2024 "During one weekend in September, professional artists, artisans and designers open the doors of their studios and workshops to the public. The central goal is to create meetings between the creative actors and the visitors. Konstrunda has been organized annually since 2008 and attracts approximately 400 participants and 30,000 visitors each year."

Teijon Kuttuurimeijeri group exhibition, August 2024, Kaarnalaiva 2krs, Mathildedal, Salo

"Makasiinin Luona" exhibition, July 2024, Elonkierto, Jokioinen.

Establishment of Northernmoolandia, August 2023, Jokioinen, Finland

Paikoituksia, Groupexhibition 28.6- 30.7 at Teijon Kulttuurimeijeri, Teijo, Perniö, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Just one hour and 17 minutes-afternoon club", 30.9.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Just one hour and 17 minutes-afternoon club", 26.8.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Just one hour and 17 minutes-afternoon club", 3.6.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "Summer is right here -afternoon club", 22.4.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "HamMOOnd & Finnhits -afternoon club", 11.2.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at BAR 36, "HamMOOnd & Finnhits -afternoon club", 7.1.2023, Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland

MOOstock Art and music 24.7.2022, Helsinki, Finland

MOOrphosis, MOOrfoosi exhibition 11.6- 15.7.2022 at Teijon Kulttuurimeijeri, Teijo, Perniö, Finland

Exhibition "Reflections of Gratitude" at Roihuvuoren RIO, December 27-31. 2021, Helsinki , Finland.

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at at Roihuvuoren RIO, 4.12.2021, Roihuvuori, Helsinki, Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at Teijon Kulttuurimeijeri, 27.11.2021, Teijo, Perniö, Finland

MOOpaintings at ARTSUA - happening, one part of Meritalo-Taidetalo -group exhibition, 25.11.-6.12.2021 Merihaka, Helsinki Finland

DJ gig by Daisy DJamoour at 7.8.2021 - Magito 30 years, Suvilahti, Helsinki, Finland

MOOstock goes MOOviestoc, August 2021 - POSTPONED due corona

POP UP exhibition The Greatest Gifts MOObil- journey to cowcamp 14-17.6.2021 ,Ilomantsi

Exhibition The Greatest Gifts at Roihuvuoren RIO, 27.2-26.3.2021  POSTPONED due lockdow, Helsinki  

"Out of this world III", MOOperformance premiere for Daisy DJ'aMOOur At planet Suvilahti some MOOs and music 20.8.2019, Helsinki

Moostock Art and Music 2020 Open Laavu, Olkkala, June 2020 , Vihti, Finland

"When ever you see a flying cow" -pop-up exhibition
at Spirit and Knowledge fair Hengen ja Tiedon messut 12-13.10.2019 SYK, Helsinki

MOOstock art and music fair 2020, Open Laavu, Olkkala, Vihti

"Out of this world II", MOOperformance, At planet Suvilahti some MOOs and lights 21.9.2019, Helsinki

"AugmentedMOOlity" Ravintola Pikku-Vallila, Finland 7.2-7.3.2019, Helsinki

"Out of this world" Planet Suvilahti, Helsinki, Finland,August 201, Helsinki

"MOOltiverse for Fun and Love" Arlan Sauna, From 1 NOvember–30 November 2017,Helsinki

"Alue 232" Collective exhibition at Laterna Magica Helsinki Finland From 10 October– 28 October 2017. Aquarels, light and metal sculpture, Helsinki

"Peek" collective exhibition at STROMFORS IRON MILL, Artco,Strömfors, Loviisa, Finland From 5 June–18 June 2017.Aquarels

*Ripples of colour, Collective exhibition. ArtcoAquarelles. Exhibition at Jorvin sairaala, Espoo, Finland. 2016. Aquarelles

*The State of Liberty, Collective exhibition. Aquarels, Galleria 4-Kuus, Helsinki, Finland. 2016.Aquarelles

*Get Power from light, Collective exhibition, Artco. Kustaankartanon vanhustenkeskus, Helsinki, Finland. 2015. Aquarelles

*Some MOOs on the Pasture, Aquarels , Vire-Koti Lehtisaari, Helsinki, Finland . 2015.Aquarels

*Colourfull story 2, Collective exhibition Rööperin taidesalonki, Helsinki, Finland . 2014. Aquarelles

*Fantasiaa mielessa, mielen fantasiaa."fantacy in mind, minds fantacy", . Galleria Ajatuksenpoikanen , Kapyla, Helsinki June 2007. Paintings and computergraphics

*Stage visuals at Under the Northern Star 2006.VDMX/quartz composer , Nosturi, Helsinki, Finland

*Working-group "Vaadin", media-art, 2003-2009

*Tasta tahan"From here to here", Helsinki University of Technology,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Espoo, Finland 26.11. - 14.11.2001.Oils.

*Kaksi Koiraa "Two Dogs", University of Lapland, Faculty of Arts, Rovaniemi, Finland 7 .11. - 30.11. 2001. Oils.

*Paittain "End-wise", Residential suburb Bar, Kapygrilli, Kapyla, Helsinki, Finland 1.10 - 28.10.2001. Oils

*Simpukka "Mussel", The Provincial Library Of Lapland. Rovaniemi, Finland 2.7 - 14.7 2001. Oils

*Silency, designcompetition, A -Serie, shared first prize. Kalix municipalitys and Rovaregions common project. "To The European Market with Treeproducts from North"2001.
*Finnish trafficsafe assosiaton, Northern Finland area. Memorial for trafificvictims. 1993. Candle Light and metal sculpture



*NorthernMOO dream starts 2014-
*Head of educational unit, Textile And Fashion, Helsinki Vocational College 2018-
*Head of educational unit, Audiovisual communication, Helsinki Vocational College 2012-2018
*New Media lecturer , Heltech , AV-media Vocational education and training 2008-2012
*Multimedia lecturer , Heltech , AV-media Vocational education and training 2002-2008
*Preparatory initial vocational education for a skills examination - multimediateacher, Heltech, evening classes 2005-2008
*Freelance photographing and illustration 2001-->> (Pakanaverkko "Pagan Net" , Teachers magazine Finland, SMRFHelsinki, Suomen Parapsykologinen Tutkimusseura ry The Finnish Parapsychological Association etc) 2010 (Illustration) Finland
*Elearning project coordinator . Helsinki University of Technology. Department of Industrial Engineering and Management ( elearning )2001 -2002
*Lecturer(elearning and software), Continuing Education Centre , University of Lapland 2000 -2001
*Graphic designer, Tietohiekka Ky,Rovaniemi, Finland 1999-2001
*Developer. The Crafts Association of Lapland, 1997.
*Hard materials-teacher, childrens craftsschool,The Crafts Association of Lapland, 1995


* Specialist Qualification in Management, 2016--2017
*Certificate in educational administration, The Finnish National Agency for Education. 2013
*Aalto University School of Economics, Small Business Center Learn to teach entrepreneurship (6 ECTS)

*Nayttomestaritutkinto , Helia School of the Vocational Teacher Education 2006
*Postgraduate studies 2002-2007 Aalto university . Usability and contents production. Interest area experimental learning material for web
*Pedagogical studies, Helia School of the Vocational Teacher Education 2003 - 2004
*Master of Education, University of Lapland , 2001.Thesis: About producing learningmaterial to the web. (Following workmodels of contextual design, learningmaterial was
streaming video material (Quick Time) about lecture)
*Higher vocational diploma (artenomi)in Industrial design,Rovaniemi Institute of art and design, 1994 (at present Faculty of Art and Design (industrial design)in University of Lapland)
*Graduate Rovaniemi, Upper secondary school, Lyseonpuisto, Rovaniemi,1990.


*Kuhankoskken Kilta, Artist Assosiation at Subarea of SouthwesternHäme region, 2024-

*Äänellä itkijät ry, Lament/Keening/Dringe organization in Finland, 2021-

*Expert organization for designers in Finland, Ornamo 2021-

*The Finnish Dyers’ Guild, Värjärikilta ry 2020-

*Finnish LightArt assosiation, member 2016-


*Working life committee member, Textile and Fashion field, Initial vocational and further vocational and specialist vocational qualifications,
The Finnish National Agency for Education, 2021-2023, 2024-
*Executive committee member, Kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen esimiehet KEA ry,
National unit for managers in OAJ The Trade Union of Education in Finland, 2017-2020  (board memeber, secretary)
*Executive committee member, Helsingin ammatilliset opettajat ry, Helsinki citys vocational teachers trade union, 2006-2015 (communications officer, board memeber, secretary)
*Renewal workgroup, National curriculum of General upper secondary education, field of culture/audiovisual. 2008 - 2009.
*Executive committee member, Finnish parapsychologhy assosiation, 2009
*Executive Board member, secretary , Vanhankaupungin Seudun Vihreat ry.2001 -2003
*Motherhood 1998 -
*Executive Board member, environmental and equality issues, Student union , University of Lapland 1995-2001, vice-chairwoman 1999.
*Student Parlament member, representative of educationstudents (Lastu ry). Student union, University of Lapland 1995-2001.
*Union for Students of Education Lastu ry, Executive Board member, educational issues. 1996-2001.
*Student selecting committee in University of Lapland 1996. *Development co-operation Commitee (Kenkku) Finnish Student Union (SYL).1997.
*Womanstudies Management Group in University of Lapland. 1997-2001
*Commitee: Developing Universitypedagogics in University of Lapland. 1995.
*Catering service standing committee in University of Lapland. 1997 - 2000
